the "History of computing" CD ROM

A complete history on CD with loads of background information! Plus lots of material we do not display on our site

ISBN 90-77460-01-2

This CD is a unique opportunity to support our foundation to maintain and to expand this site and continue its research.
This will also enable us to continue to offer its content to the public for free.

Only! €/$ 10,-- (including p&h)

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Pay via bank transfer:
Stichting History of Computing,
the Netherlands

accountnumber Rabobank: 3479.05.021

or send a certified bankcheque or money order valued at €/$ 10,-

Payable to:
the History of Computing Foundation

Or put €/$ 10,- in an envelop

our address is:

Pippelinghof 14
4021 VD Maurik
The Netherlands

please add your name and address in clear print and send us an email


After we received your payment we will send you the CD-rom!

For more information