This calculator is one of the most
advanced mathematical calculators on the consumer market in 1999.
Specially geared towards mathematics and the users.
Texas Instruments model
Advanced Mathematics Software
Includes a Computer Algebra System (CAS), differential equations,
2D-graphing and data analysis, 3D-graphing with rotations, linear
algebra, interactive numeric solver, constants, unit conversions,
statistical regressions, and optional assembly language programming.
Pretty Print
Mathematical expressions appear on the display the same way as they
are written on the board or in textbooks.
Over 500K of Memory
Contains about 188K user-available memory and 384K of user data archive
for storing functions, programs, and data.
Electronic Upgradability
Extends the life of TI-89 by electronically upgrading software as
new functionality becomes available. TI-Graph Link accessory
needed to upgrade software.
High Resolution Display
100 x 160 pixels on a high-contrast display allows easy viewing of
information. A new screen technology and layout make the display easy
to read.
Symbolic Manipulation
The CAS built into the TI-89 allows you to evaluate mathematical expressions
symbolically or numerically.
Symbolic Differential Equation Solving
Compute exact symbolic solutions to many 1st- and 2nd-order ordinary
differential equations.
Linear Algebra
Find eigenvalues, eigenvectors, functions of matrices (like e A ),
and LU or QR decompositions.
Split Screen Mode
Split screens allows you to view 2 applications at the same time.
3-D Rotation and Contour Plots
Real-time rotation of 3D surfaces and contour graphs help you visualize
in 3D.
Units of Measure
Use units in equations, symbolic computations, and unit conversions.
Select from 20 constants and over 100 units. Create and store your
own custom units.
Numeric Differential Equation Graphing
Solve single or systems of differential equations using Euler or Runga
Kutta methods. Graph slope fields or direction fields.
Systems of Equations
Solve systems of linear and nonlinear equations. Display results in
general or matrix formats.
Programming options include custom menus, dialog boxes, and pop-up
windows. User-defined functions extend built-in functionality.
Catalog of built-in functions
The catalog provides syntax listings for every command and function.
The TI-89 Advanced Mathematics Software is identical to the TI-92
Plus dvanced Mathematics Software without the Geometry application.
The TI-89 ViewScreen calculators work
with the TI-92 ViewScreen panels. Data and programs will transfer
directly to and from a TI-92 Plus using the included unit-to-unit
link cable.
Input/Output Port
Allows linking with TI-89s, TI-92s, CBLs, CBRs, and computers.
see above
1999 first issue