Bob Bemer
principal papers
1960 "ESCape - a proposal for character code compatibility"
(sine qua non for the Web and everything)
1968 "Machine-controlled production environment"
(software factory)
1973 "Computers and our society"
(beginning of social consciousness for computer use)
1979 "Time and the computer"
(first Y2K warning, and WWW basic document)
1998 "XDAY! eXchange DAY -- a proposal by Bob Bemer"
(the best way to handle time in computers)
see also
related subjects
- At Lockheed, he devised the first computerized 3-D dynamic perspective,
prelude to today's computer animation.
- In 1959 his internal IBM memo proposed word processing.
- He coined the terms "COBOL", "CODASYL", and
"Software Factory".
- He was the major force in developing ASCII (contributing 6 characters
ESCape (see that key), FS, GS, RS, US, and the backslash). He invented
escape sequence and registry concept, and is called the "Father
of ASCII". No global intercommunication can be effective without
a common language: ASCII
License plate of Bob Bemer's Ford Expedition
Steve Hebert / Abilene Reporter-News
- The principle of timesharing, which was first getting many people
to use one computer simultaneously, evolving into many people using
many computers simultaneously.
- The escape sequence concept. Critical to terminals (for colors,
screen movement), but absolutely necessary for laser printers (which
won't work without them), and to HTML itself.
- The Identification and Environment Divisions of COBOL are due
to him, as is the Picture Clause, which could have avoided the Year
2000 problem if used correctly.
- He is recognized as the first person in the world to publish warnings
of the Year 2000 problem -- first in 1971, and again in 1979.
Bob Bemer born in 1920 is married to Bettie, a Texas oilwoman, The
license on her Mercedes is "ESC KEY". Bob Bemer became a
programmer in early 1949 and did not stop working as one since then.
He as one of the few priviledged pioneers watched computers take over
our lives, integrating into society with the speed of light.
He has worked at RAND Corporation, Marquardt, Lockheed, IBM, Univac,
Bull GE, General Electric, and Honeywell.
Data published with consent of Bob Bemer and personal correspondence
with Mr. Bemer. (see also @
for more extensive data.
1920 Birth of Robert (Bob) Bemer
and awards
2003 Received the IEEE Computer Pioneer Award