- Aiken, Howard A.;(1900-73) Harvard
Mark I
- Alkhowarizmi; mathematics,
(2), ancient mathematician, the
number 0
- Allen, Paul; (1953) co founder
of Microsoft
- Amdahl, Gene Myron; (1922- )
computer architect
- Andreessen, Marc (1971)-
co-founder of netscape corporation
- Andrews, Earnest Galen;(1898-1980)
- Aristoteles, ; Greek phylosopher
- Artybasheff, Boris; (1899-1965)
- Atanasoff, John V.; (1903-1995
) first electronic computer
- Atkinson, Bill; hypercard
- Auerbach, Isaac Levin ; (1921-92)
- Babaian, Boris A.; (1933) Russian
- Babbage, Charles; (1791-1871)
differential machine, analytical machine
- Bachmann, C.W.; Bachmann diagrammes.
- Backus, John W.; (1924 - ) developer
of Fortran, (2)
- Baer, Ralph
- Bain, Alexander
- Baird, John Logie - inventor
of mechanical television, radar and fiber optics
- Ballmer, Steve; co-founder Microsoft
- Bardeen, John (1908-1991) co-inventor
of the transresistor, or transistor
- Barron, Ian
- Barth, Carl George Lange (1860-1939)
- Bartik, Jean; (1924- ) revamping the ENIAC to be a stored program
computer, wrote the code
- Baum, Lyman Frank (1856-1919)
- Bech, Niels; (1920-75)
- Bell, Alexander; telephone
- Bell, Chester Gordon; (1934 - )
minicomputer developer, (2)
(Digital), founded the Computer Museum in Boston with his wife,
- Bemer, Bob (Robert William); (1920
- ) One of the developers of COBOL and the ASCII naming standard
for IBM (1960s); inventor of the ESCape sequence, the universal
switching mechanism for all computer-controlled communications
- Berners-Lee, Tim; (2)
developer and promotor of the World Wide Web (www.)
- Bernouilli; bernouilli numbers,
prime numbers
- Berry, Clifford;(1918-1963)
together with John Atanasoff designed the first machines to use
electronic techniques in digital calculation
- Bigelow, Julian; (1913- )
- Billings, John Shaw; (1839-1913)
- Bjerknes, Vilhelm; (1862-1951)
- Blumenthal, William Michael ; (1926- )
- Blumlein, Alan; invented stereo sound, surround sound
- Bohr, Niels
- Bollee, Leon; (1870-1913)
- Boole, George; (1815-1864)
binairy logics. proposition logic
- Booth, Andrew Donald ; (1918- ) magnetic drum memories, tried
to construct a floppy disk with oxide coated paper.
- Booch, Grady; co developed UML
- Boyer, Joseph; (1848-1905)
- Bradley, David J.
- Brainerd, John Grist ; (1904-88)
- Brainerd, Paul; (1947) founder of the Aldus Corp creator of
Aldus PageMaker
- Brattain, Alexander
- Brattain, Walter; (1902-1987)
co-invented the transistor, with John Bardeen and William Shockley
- Brattain, Shockley
en Bardeen; inventors of the
transistor; they shared a Nobel Prize in physics in 1956.
- Braun; astrolabus
- Braun, Antonius
- Braun, Ferdinand
- Bricklin, Daniel, (2)
- (1951) inventor of Visicalc spreadsheets, Bob Frankston, wrote
the code for Visicalc
- Briggs, Henry; (1561-1630)
logarithm table
- Brody, Florian T.; groundbreaking
work on CD-ROM (1984)
- Brooks Jr., Frederick Phillips;
(1931 - ) Managed the development of the 360 operating system
software for IBM (1960s); wrote The Mythical Man-Month about software
project managementBrown, Sir Thomas
- Brown, Gordon S. ; (1907- )
- Brown, Theodore; (1888-1973)
- Brown, Thomas
- Brown, Walter; Co-founder of
Atlantic Software, principal contributor to Informatics accounting
- Bryce, James Wares ; (1880-1949)
- Bush, Vannevar, Vannevar
- Buerghi, Joseph
- Burks, Arthur Walter ; (1915- )
- Burroughs, William Seward;
(1855-1898)created and patented a printing adding machine in
- Bush, Vannevar; (1890-1974)
- Bushnell, Allen
- Bushnell, Nolan; creator of
- Canion, Rod; Insource Technology, co-founder of compaq computers
- Carpenter, Richard; Founded Index Technology to deliver
- Case tools in 1983
- Carr, John Weber ; (1923- )
- Cary, Frank Taylor ; (1920- )
- Casselli, Giovanni
- Cerf,
Vinton (1943) co-developed the TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol / Internet Protocol) for the Internet
- Charney, Jule Gregory ; (1917-81)
- Chatfield, Glenn; Founded Duquesne Systems to provide productivity
tools for IBM systems in 1970
- Chadwick, James; 1847-1922, discovered
the electron
- Chernick, Aubrey; Founded Candle Corp. in 1977; developed Omegamon,
first realtime performance monitor for MVS
- Chevion, Dov; (1917-83)
- Clark, Edith (1883-1959); excelled
in breaking down complex mathematical constellations into simple
graphical presentations
- Clark,
Jim - co-founder of silicon graphics and netscape corporation,
(Silicon Graphics and Netscape)
- Codd,
Dr. Edgar F. ; Inventor of relational database theory in
the 1970s
- Gerald Cohen; Designed early non-procedural language; founded
Information Builders in 1975
- Colmar, Thomas de; one
of the first marketable mechanical calculators
- Larry Constantine; Invented data flow diagrams, presented first
paper on concepts of structured design in 1974
- Cook, Bob; Founded VM Software to develop software for IBM
VM in 1981
- Comrie, Leslie John ; (1893-1950)
- Cook, Stephen
- Coombs, Allen W. M.;
- Copernicus, Nicolaus ; revolutionubus,
mathematician and astronomer
- Corbato, Fernando Jose ; (1926- )
- Crandall, Rick; Founded Comshare, one of the early time-sharing
companies, in 1966; it later became a software company selling
executive support software
- Cray, Seymour; (1925-1996) Cray
supercomputers,also founded the Control Data Corp along
with Eckert, William Norris and six others
- Christen, Ward; (1); first
operational bulletin
- Cullinane, John; Founded Cullinane Corp., which sold the IDMS
database system, in 1968; it was the first software product company
to go public (in 1978)
- Cunningham, Peter; Founded INPUT, one of the first market research
firms to focus on the software and software products market, in
- Curtiss, John Hamilton ; (1909-77)
- d'Ocagne, Maurice; (1862-1938)
- Dahl,
Ole-Johan; (1931-2002 ) Simula
- Davies, Donald W.; packet-switching,
- Dantzig, George Bernard ; (1914- )
- Davinci, Leonardo; inventor,
- Deeds, Edward Andrew ; (1874-1960)
- DeForest, Lee; triode electronic switch
- DeMarco, Tom; Case methodology pioneer, author and consultant
in the 1970s
- Descartes, Rene; philosopher
- Dewey, Melvil
- Dick, Alfred Blake (1856-1934)
- Dick, Jr., Alfred Blake ; (1894-1954)
- Diebold, John; (1926- )
- Dijkstra, Edsger; (1930-2002)
computer science, encryption, programming methodology
- Dougarty
- Eastman, George - (2);
philanthropist and founder of kodak
- Eckert, John P. ; (1919-1995) co
inventor of one of the first fully electronical digital computer,
along with Cray, William Norris and six others, (2)
- Eckert, Wallace John ; (1902-71)
- Ed, Rob
- Edison,Thomas Alva; invented the frigidaire and made the lamp
commercialy viable
- Einstein, Albert
- Ellis, Jim;(1956-2001) co-created
usenet the second most important internet application
- Ellison,
Lawrence (Larry); Co-founded Oracle Corp in 1977; pioneered
relational DBMS
- Engel, Jr., Frank August ; (1917- )
- Engelbart, Douglas; (2)
(1925) - pioneer in human-computer communications, developer of
the mouse and graphical user interface, (3)
- Ershov, Andrei P. (1931-1988);
theoretical programming
- Estridge, Don; (1938-85) projectleader
for the IBM PC/XT/AT (1981-1985)
- Evans, Robert Overton ; (1927- )
- Everett, Robert Rivers ; (1921- )
- Fairchild, George Winthrop; (1854-1924)
- Fano, Robert Mano; (1917- )
- Fantl. Leo
- Faraday, Michael
- Fast, August
- Feigenbaum, Edward A. (AI)
- Felstein, Lee; inventor Video Circuit Board, Osborne 1 along
with Adam Osborne, Expander Computer, Sol computer
- Felt, Dorr Eugene ; (1862-1930)
- Ferguson, Dave; Author, in the late 60's, of PI-Sort, the first
software product successfully sold against a free IBM sort program
- Fischer, Emst Georg (1852-1935)
- Flanders, Donald Alexander ; (1900-58)
- Flemming, John Ambrose; inventor
of the vacuum tube diode
- Flint, Charles Ranlett; founding
father of IBM (l850-1934)
- Flowers, Thomas;(1905-1998) Colossus engineer
- Floyd,
Robert W. Forrest, Lee de
- Forrester, Jay Wright; (2)
(1918 - ) - inventor of magnetic-core memory, led the team that
created Whirlwind
- Forest, Lee de (1873 - 1961)
- Forster, James Franklin ; (1908-72)
- Fourier, Baron Jean-Baptiste-Joseph; (1768-1830); mathematician
- Frank, Werner; Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold
Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962
- Bob Frankston, wrote the code for Visicalc
- Frege, G.
- Freytag Löringhoff, Dr. Bruno Baron von; reconstructor of Schickards
- Friedman, William Frederick ; (1891-1969)
- Fylstra, Dan; (1);
Viscalc the first spreadsheet program
- Galler, Bernard Aaron; (1928- )
- Galvin
- Gates, Jim
- Gates, Wiiliam H. III (Bill); (1955)
one of the founders of Microsoft, DOS, Windows, (2)
(see also interview
and unofficial information)
- Geissler Igelshieb, Heinrich
- Gianello Toriano
- Geschke, Charles M. founder of Adobe Systems in 1982 who, along
with John Warnock, created "the desktop publishing" environment
- Gill, Stanley; (1926-75)
- Glushkov, Victor Mikhaylovich ; (1923-82)
- Goetz, Marty; Co-founded Applied Data Research (ADR) in 1959;
received the first patent issued on a software product
- Goldstine, Herman Heine ; (1913- ) helped design the ENIAC,
wrote one of the most complete computer history books.
- Goldstein, Bernie; Founded Broadview Associates (1970s),
the first investment banking firm to focus on software industry
mergers and acquisitions
- Good, I. J. ;
- Goodman, Richard; (1911-66)
- Goodnight, Dr. James; Co-founded SAS Institute in 1976; developer
of the SAS System
- Gore, John K. ; ( 1845- l910)
- Gödel,
- Grad, Burt; One of the members of the IBM team which developed
the plan for unbundling software from hardware in 1969
- Grant, George Barnard; (1849-1917)
- Green, John
- Green, Julien; (1924- )
- Grillet, Rene (1600s)
- Gore ,John K. ( 1845- l910)
- Goto, Eiichi; inventor of analogue computer
- Griswold, Ralph E.; (1934- )
- Grosch, Herb; Director in 1960 of the U.S. governments
Center for Computer Science and Technology (now called NIST, National
Institute of Standards and Technology)
- Grove, Andrew, co-founder Intel
- Groves, Leslie Richard ; (1896-1970)
- Gudden, John Bernard
- Hamming,
Richard W.;
- Harris, Dr. Larry; Founded AICorp in 1975; developed AI-based
natural language technology
- Harron, Ducos de;
- Harris, Peter; Founded ADPAC Corporation in 1963
- Hartree, Douglas Rayner ; (1897-1958)
- Hawking, Stephen;
- Hazen, Harold Locke ; (1901-80)
- Heisenberg, Werner;
- Hell, Rudolf (1901-2002); inventor
of fax machine
- Henry, Joseph;
- Herbrand,
- Heron of Alexandria; Greek
mechanician and inventor
- Herschel, John;
- Herz, Heinrich;
- Hewlett, William R.; (1913) co-founder of Hewlett Packard,
- Hill, Richard; Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold
Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962
- Hills, Danny
- Hoare, C. A.
R.; (CSP)
- Hoerni, Jean;
- Hoff, Ted; Marcian
Ted Hoff - (1937) developer of the microprocessor, see also
W.D. Pickette, (2)
- Holberton, Betty (1927) one of a team of 5 programmers on the
- Hollerith, Herman, (2)
(1860-1929) tabulator machine
- Holt, Ray (19..) invented central
processor in 1971 - as member of a team for the F14A, see also
W.D. Pickette, Hoff,
- Hopper, Grace; (1906-1992)
Created together with other engineers COBOL, Naval officer and computer
scientist who led the effort in the 1960s to develop COBOL (Common
Business-Oriented Language)
- Hoover, Bill; President from 1964 to 1995 of Computer Sciences
Corp. (CSC) which was an early entrant (late 1960s) in the software
products market; it ultimately became a multi-billion dollar software
services company
- Househoulder, Alston Scott ; (1904-1993)
- Huffman, David A.; Discovered
a fast and efficient method of compression
- Hull, Clark; (1884-1952)
- Hurd, Cuthbert C.; (1911- )
- Huskey, Harry Douglas ; (1916- )
- Hyatt, Gilbert; co-inventor
of the microprocessor in 1968, patent awarded in 1990
- Ichbiah, Dr. Jean; Principal designer, Ada language (1977)
- Imlay, John; In 1971, became CEO of Management Science America
(MSA), the first applications software supplier to exceed $100M
in annual revenues
- Iverson, Kenneth E.; invented
APL in 1962
- Irvine, John;
- Iwatani, Toru; Inventor of Pac Man video game
- Jacobs, Walter W.; (1914-82)
- Jaquard, Joseph Marie; (1752-1834) French weaver who built
a fully automated loom programmed by punched cards.
- Jaquet-Droz, Pierre en Henry; (1700s) punch card weaving
- Jerger, Doug; Co-founder of Fortex, an early accounting software
products company
- Jevons, William Stanley; (1835-82)
- Johnson, Luanne James; Founded Argonaut Information Systems
to sell payroll and accounts payable software in 1971
- Jobs,
Steven Paul ; (1955- ) co founded Apple and founded
- Johnson, Reynold B. ; (1906- )
- Jones, Fletcher (deceased); Co-founder of Computer Sciences
Corp. (CSC); one of the initiators of SHARE and the SHARE Operating
System (SOS)
- Jones, T. Capers ; Developed first large-scale estimating package
for IBM (1972)
- Jones, Dr. Kirk; Pioneered business planning software; principal
designer of IFPS (1975)
- Josephson, Brian D.; Josephson switch, hyper speed switching on
molecular/atomaire level