Digital Equipment Cooperation (1)
USA, 1957 - 1998

In 1957 Kenneth Olson and Anderson started the Digital Equipment Cooperation in Maynard, Massachusetts, USA. They wanted to make "programmable machines for users, not just for specialists."
Start of the PDP-1, %quot;Programmed Data Processor". It was a 18-bit computer using an instruction set of 28 instructions. Price: $120.000. It was the first small, real-interactive computer in the world. The first machine was sold in 1960.
- Start of the PDP-5, "Programmed Data Processor". It was a 12-bit computer. Price: $27.000, a very low price for those days. More then 1000 machines were sold.
- Start of the PDP-8. This 12-bit computer was specialy developed for the industry and development labs. The computer was a major success, more then 50.000 were sold for a price from $18.000, so this was the first mass-produced computer ever.
Time-sharing was introduced in 1968 for the PDP-8.
- A new revolution: the PDP-11. This 16-bit computer used a new concept: the UNIBUS.
- Operating Systems for the PDP-11 series:
- Introduction of the DEC Datasystems for administrative purposes.
Introduction of the VAX-11 architecture. The adress space from the PDP-11 was too small for a lot of applications. The VAX series (Virtual Address eXtension) increased the address from 16 to 32 bits. The number of general registers also doubled from 8 to 16.
A new Operating System, VMS (Virtual Memory System) was released a year later. This system was developed in parallel with the VAX architecture.
- Introduction of the 64-bit Alpha processor, running under VMS.
- Compaq Computer announces the acquisition of Digital Equipment Corporation for $9.6 billion; the merger creates the second-largest computer company in the world, with revenues of over $37 billion.

Last Updated
December 3, 2003 |
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