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This sample demonstrates the usage of the ATmega on-chip UART. Note, that we don't do any error checking, because without this UART we can't tell the user our problem.

We use floating points. Make sure to link with nutlibcrtf.

#include <cfg/crt.h>    /* Floating point configuration. */

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>

#include <dev/board.h>
#include <sys/timer.h>

static char *banner = "\nNut/OS UART Sample\n";
static prog_char presskey_P[] = "Press any key...";
static prog_char pgm_ptr[] = "\nHello stranger!\n";

static char inbuf[128];

 * UART sample.
 * Some functions do not work with ICCAVR.
int main(void)
    int got;
    int i;
    char *cp;
    u_long baud = 115200;
    FILE *uart;
    float dval = 0.0;

     * Each device must be registered. We do this by referencing the 
     * device structure of the driver. The advantage is, that only 
     * those device drivers are included in our flash code, which we 
     * really need.
     * The uart0 device is the first one on the ATmega chip. So it 
     * has no configurable base address or interrupt and we set both 
     * parameters to zero.
    NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_UART, 0, 0);

     * Now, as the device is registered, we can open it. The fopen()
     * function returns a pointer to a FILE structure, which we use 
     * for subsequent reading and writing.
    uart = fopen(DEV_UART_NAME, "r+");

     * Before doing the first read or write, we set the baudrate.
     * This low level function doesn't know about FILE structures
     * and we use _fileno() to get the low level file descriptor
     * of the stream.
     * The short sleep allows the UART to settle after the baudrate
     * change.
    _ioctl(_fileno(uart), UART_SETSPEED, &baud);

     * Stream devices can use low level read and write functions. 
     * Writing program space data is supported too.
    _write(_fileno(uart), banner, strlen(banner));
        _write_P(_fileno(uart), presskey_P, sizeof(presskey_P));

     * Stream devices do buffered I/O. That means, nothing will be 
     * passed to the hardware device until either the output buffer 
     * is full or we do a flush. With stream I/O we typically use
     * fflush(), but low level writing a null pointer will also flush 
     * the output buffer.
    _write(_fileno(uart), 0, 0);

     * The low level function read() will grab all available bytes 
     * from the input buffer. If the buffer is empty, the call will
     * block until something is available for reading.
    got = _read(_fileno(uart), inbuf, sizeof(inbuf));
    _write(_fileno(uart), inbuf, got);

     * Nut/OS never expects a thread to return. So we enter an 
     * endless loop here.
    for (i = 0;; i++) {
         * A bit more advanced input routine is able to read a string 
         * up to and including the first newline character or until a
         * specified maximum number of characters, whichever comes first.
        fputs("\nEnter your name: ", uart);
        fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), uart);

         * Chop off trailing linefeed.
        cp = strchr(inbuf, '\n');
        if (cp)
            *cp = 0;

         * Streams support formatted output as well as printing strings 
         * from program space.
        if (inbuf[0])
            fprintf(uart, "\nHello %s!\n", inbuf);
        else {
            fputs_P(pgm_ptr, uart);

         * Just to demonstrate formatted floating point output.
         * In order to use this, we need to link the application
         * with nutcrtf instead of nutcrt for pure integer.
        dval += 1.0125;
        fprintf(uart, "FP %f\n", dval);

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