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Timelines of the history of computing

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Here is the main timeline: History of Computing


Computer Aided Design

This section is withdrawn on specific request of the original author. A special workgroup of THOCP is researching CAD to recreate the timeline from scratch.

Editor: workgroup CAD


Country by Country

In process, this section needs more editors

Editors: all



A generic timeline on how the internet came to be

Editors: All



A generic section on the history of automata and robotics in general

Editors: All


Timeline of Computing

This timeline is devided into four sections

Editor: Cornelis Robat

Video Games

This section deals with the history of videogames.

  • The Early Years
  • Golden Age
  • The modern Age
  • The Next generation

Editor Ted Stahl



The history of viruses and their making or makers.

  • The history of viruses

Editor Cornelis Robat





Go BackNext Chapterindex Last Updated on 18 November, 2003 For suggestions please mail the editors 


Footnotes & References