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The Industrial Era

1947 - 1949

The First Generation of computers start approximately in this era and computers were characterized by electromechanical mechanisms and partly programmable.

In this chapter the transister will be developed and the first stored program computers come on line


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The first generation of modern programmed electronic computers was built in 1947. This group included computers using Random Access Memory (RAM), a form of memory designed to give almost instantaneous access to any information stored in memory. Physically they were much smaller than the ENIAC, about the size of a large piano and used only 2,500 electron tubes. Where the ENIAC needed over 18,000. This group of computers included the Manchester MARK-I, EDVAC and UNIVAC, the first commercially available computers.(16)

advertisement for univac computer
UNIVAC advertisement


Williams Tube

Fred Williams an English professor, developed in cooperation with Tom Kilburn, the first Random Access Memory - RAM - the Williams Tube. Its first practical use will be for the Manchester MARK-I computer in 1948.

Alan Turing published an article on Intelligent Machinery which launched Artificial Intelligence outside of the science fiction arena.

In October 1947, the directors of J. Lyons & Company, a British catering company famous for its teashops but with strong interests in new office management techniques, decide to take an active role in promoting the commercial development of computers.(23) Four years later in 1951 this effort will result in the LEO I the first computer to run commercial software.




The magnetic drum is introduced as a low energy device that will replace the Williams Tube in another few years. But the magnetic drum is still very unreliable and prone to crashes.


junction transistor



transistorAt the AT&T - Bell laboratories the TRANSISTOR [TRANsfer reSISTOR] was invented by three Americans: Walter H. Brattain, William Shockley and John Bardeen. On 16 December 1947 the three showed their invention at the laboratories to a small public. Bell laboratories patents the transistor.

This invention earned the three engineers the Nobel price(17) in 1956.

brattain_walter1.gif (2962 bytes) shockly_william.gif (3008 bytes) bardeen.gif (2951 bytes)

The transistor preluded the Second Generation and following generations of  computers.
But much more research was needed to put the transistor into production what will take no less than six years to achieve that. (1) The small size, high yield, low heat production and the low price will guarantee the success of the transistor that will make computers another 1000 times faster than those on the market in this period.

The US military is now informed about transistors, since they are paying for the bills. As they do with many other research groups in the USA. That developments sometimes do not always have peacefull effects is a natural by-effect to their kind of business. It is undeniable so that to this lavishly high level of military funding that developments in (digital) computing are spurting ahead.

Herbert Matare & Heinrich Welker
(pictures courtesy of Armand Van Dormael)

In this same year two German scientists Herbert Matare and Heinrich Welker invent parallel to Shockly and Brattain the junction transistor. They work for the Compagnie des Freins et Signaux Westinghouse in France. The patent is submitted 18th August 1948 and granted on 11 june 1952 under Brevet d'Invention (patent) 1.010.427 of the French patent buro. (10)

Readhow does a transistor workon transistors.


Burning out

Computers so far mentioned are known as the first generation of computers. They were huge and needed sometime more than one floor of an average large building. Several thousands of vacuum tubes were mounted inside the computers, generating a tremendous heat. The disadvantage of computers running in this period was that they only worked correctly for a few hours in a row mainly caused by the pour quality of the tubes and the heat that was generated inside the machines. Tubes therefor easily burned out because of the heat and had to be replaced quite often.

All computers started to work following the binary principle. Each tube stood for "true" (1) or "false" (0). The computer had to work through a series of tubes to execute an instruction from the program and one can imagine that when a few tubes burned out the machine would not work properly.
In other words a wrong answer would come out of the machine let alone that it would still work at all. The answer would become something else because one of the tubes gave 0 (burned out) as an answer.

A simple example is the ASCII alphabet invented by a group of engineers at IBM in 1963 were each character is defined by a combination of zero's and one's.
An E would be represented as: 1000101 say seven tubes of which number 1, 5 and 7 had to burn to give the letter E. Suppose tube 5 burns out and thus gives back a 0. This would form the letter A represented as 1000001. Wrong answer, but who would expect to look for a faulty lamp array as the answer looked plausible: PEN became PAN



selective_sequence_control_computer.gif27 January; IBM shows the SSEC to the public in New York. Remarkable is that "C" does not mean 'Computer' but 'Calculator'. (SSEC = Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator) This indicates the difference between these two. The SSEC is the first calculator to execute commands sequential and is able to change the program depending on the results it produces during its processing. The SSEC is 250 times faster then the MARK I, but the machine still contains 12.500 tubes and 21.400 relays and is 36 meters long. Generating a lot of heat and noise.
The development cost over one million US$ but IBM put the machine at the disposal to scientists for free(7)

IBM brings out the IBM 604 model that contains only 1400 tubes. This one works relatively slow and is capable of just about 70 program steps. The marketing analysts of IBM estimate the market at 75 pieces. But before years end over 5.600 are installed.

In 1974 more than 400 of these machines will be still operation!(7)

IBM is the first manufacturer that translates machine maintenance into a modular system. No longer vacuum tubes or other parts are replaced piece by piece but the machine is assembled from modules. When a tube burns out a complete module is replaced not the tube alone. This means repairing computers in minutes and not hours as before. Back in the workshop maintenance engineers can look for the error by using reference computers. They do that by replacing the components one by one and look what goes wrong. The computer at the customers site is of course already up and running again. This saved a lot of money and guaranteed a high "up time"(11) as system engineers like to say.

IBM module rack


Norbert Wiener (USA) publishes his book "Cybernetics, or Control of Communication in Animal and Machine". This book is still one of the standard works in the field of Cybernetics.(3)


Alan Turing designs together with a few of his colleagues in the USA a theoretical computer called: ACE - Automatic Computing Machine. A universal calculator(12). But it will only exist on paper because it will never be build.


An Wang invents the computer memory core. It will take him about three years to come with a marketable product.



On 21 June (UK) the first programmable computer at Manchester University, runs its first program written in binary form by Prof. Tom Kilburn.

At the Cambridge university the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) is designed and built by Maurice Wilkes and F.C. Williams, and the staff of the Mathematical Laboratory at Cambridge University. The machine is inspired by the Univac

The machine has acoustic memory storage tubes, oscilloscope displays and contained a so called library of subroutines designed by Wilkes. This library consist of small programs that are labeled subroutines. Probably this was the first attempt to create a so called Kernel(2). The EDSAC is considered to be the first full-scale stored program computer.(18) Most importantly it is the first computer that can store not only data but any user program in electronic memory and process it at electronic speed.(22)
Program and data both modifiable in storage, as suggested in Zuse's 1936 patent application but Zuse himself did not implement this technology in his Z1 Z2 and Z3 models.(21)
It is the first machine that has all the components now classically regarded as characteristic of the basic computer.


the Manchester Baby and its first computer program by Tom Kilburn


Based on the idea of the 'Stored Program Computer' Eckert and Mauchly found the UNIVAC company that develop the UNIVAC-1 (UNIVersal Automatic Computer). It is the first company that manufactures computers for businesses on a large scale and that not being used for war purposes in the first place. Forty six units will be build and sold for over 1 million dollars. Since this machine makes use of the stored program technology rewiring circuits and setting switches to execute a program had become obsoleted. This machine received its instructions directly from the stored program itself. The short code developed for the UNIVAC 1 was both the first interpreted language and the first assembly language. (18)
Univac will later be sold to the Remington Rand Corp.

December; the Harvard Mark II is operational(7)



BINAC Binary Automatic Computer; this computer is made by the company of Eckert en Mauchly and one of the first computers that made use of magnetic tape. It is the first computer to operate in real time.

Claude Shannon of MIT builds the first chess playing machine but will never exploit it.




From the Small-Scale Experimental Machine (also called the "Baby") a full-sized machine was designed and built, the Manchester MARK-1 , which by April 1949 will be generally available for computation in scientific research in the University. With the integration of a high speed magnetic drum by the Autumn (the ancestor of today's hard disk) this is the first machine with a fast electronic and magnetic two-level store. It in turn is the basis of the first commercially available computer, the Ferranti Mark 1, the first machine off the production line being delivered in February 1951.(22)

First Germanium transistors sold.


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