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Emulator (UNIX)

Collaboration diagram for Emulator (UNIX):

Detailed Description

Running Nut/OS Apps on a UNIX machine.

Nut/OS can be compiled for a native unix target.

The following hardware is currently emulated: RTC and UART. A RTC clock is provided. All AVR UARTS are mapped to STDIO but this can configure at app start-up using command line paramters. Syntax:

MyNutOSAPP.unix [-u0 deviceName] [-u1 deviceName] [-u2 deviceName]

The unix emulation provides a third uart for debugging purposes as devDebug2, devUsart2 and devUsartAvr2)


 Starting Nut/OS.
 System Support
 Hardware dependant functions used by Nut/OS.

Data Structures

struct  _UNIXDCB
 UNIX devices low level information structure. More...
struct  _UNIXDCB
 UNIX devices low level information structure. More...




 UART 0 Device information structure.
 UART 1 Device information structure.
NUTDEVICE devUsartAvr0
 USART0 device information structure.
NUTDEVICE devUsartAvr1
 USART1 device information structure.
NUTDEVICE devUsartAvr2
 Debug device 0 information structure.
 UART 1 Device information structure.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _UNIXDCB UNIXDCB

USART device low level information type.

Variable Documentation

NUTDEVICE devUsartAvr0

USART0 device information structure.

An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AVR's on-chip USART0.

The device is named uart0.

NUTDEVICE devUsartAvr1

USART1 device information structure.

An application must pass a pointer to this structure to NutRegisterDevice() before using the serial communication driver of the AVR's on-chip USART1.

The device is named uart1.

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