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errno.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Network error definitions.


#define EINVAL   22
#define EWOULDBLOCK   10035
 Operation would block.
#define EINPROGRESS   10036
 Operation now in progress.
#define EALREADY   10037
 Operation already in progress.
#define ENOTSOCK   10038
 Socket operation on non-socket.
#define EDESTADDRREQ   10039
 Destination address required.
#define EMSGSIZE   10040
 Message too long.
#define EPROTOTYPE   10041
 Protocol wrong type for socket.
#define ENOPROTOOPT   10042
 Protocol not available.
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT   10043
 Protocol not supported.
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT   10044
 Socket type not supported.
#define EOPNOTSUPP   10045
 Operation not supported on socket.
#define EPFNOSUPPORT   10046
 Protocol family not supported.
#define EAFNOSUPPORT   10047
 Address family not supported by protocol family.
#define EADDRINUSE   10048
 Address already in use.
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL   10049
 Can't assign requested address.
#define ENETDOWN   10050
 Network is down.
#define ENETUNREACH   10051
 Network is unreachable.
#define ENETRESET   10052
 Network dropped connection on reset.
#define ECONNABORTED   10053
 Software caused connection abort.
#define ECONNRESET   10054
 Connection reset by peer.
#define ENOBUFS   10055
 No buffer space available.
#define EISCONN   10056
 Socket is already connected.
#define ENOTCONN   10057
 Socket is not connected.
#define ESHUTDOWN   10058
 Can't send after socket shutdown.
#define ETOOMANYREFS   10059
 Too many references: can't splice.
#define ETIMEDOUT   10060
 Connection timed out.
#define ECONNREFUSED   10061
 Connection refused.
#define ELOOP   10062
 Too many levels of symbolic links.
#define ENAMETOOLONG   10063
 File name too long.
#define EHOSTDOWN   10064
 Host is down.
#define EHOSTUNREACH   10065
 No route to host.
#define ENOTEMPTY   10066
 Directory not empty.

Define Documentation

#define EINVAL   22

Invalid argument

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