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socket.h File Reference

Detailed Description

UDP and TCP socket interface definitions.


#define SOCK_STREAM   1
 Stream socket.
#define SOCK_DGRAM   2
 Datagram socket.
#define SOCK_RAW   3
 Raw-protocol interface.
#define SO_DEBUG   0x0001
 Turn on debugging info recording.
#define SO_ACCEPTCONN   0x0002
 Socket has had listen().
#define SO_REUSEADDR   0x0004
 Allow local address reuse.
#define SO_KEEPALIVE   0x0008
 Keep connections alive.
#define SO_DONTROUTE   0x0010
 Just use interface addresses.
#define SO_BROADCAST   0x0020
 Permit sending of broadcast msgs.
#define SO_USELOOPBACK   0x0040
 Bypass hardware when possible.
#define SO_LINGER   0x0080
 Linger on close if data present.
#define SO_OOBINLINE   0x0100
 Leave received OOB data in line.
#define SO_REUSEPORT   0x0200
 Allow local address & port reuse.
#define SO_SNDBUF   0x1001
 Send buffer size.
#define SO_RCVBUF   0x1002
 Receive buffer size.
#define SO_SNDLOWAT   0x1003
 Send low-water mark.
#define SO_RCVLOWAT   0x1004
 Receive low-water mark.
#define SO_SNDTIMEO   0x1005
 Send timeout.
#define SO_RCVTIMEO   0x1006
 Receive timeout.
#define SO_ERROR   0x1007
 Get error status and clear.
#define SO_TYPE   0x1008
 Get socket type.
#define AF_INET   2
 internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc
#define _SYS_SOCKET_H_


TCPSOCKETNutTcpCreateSocket (void)
 Create a TCP socket.
int NutTcpSetSockOpt (TCPSOCKET *sock, int optname, CONST void *optval, int optlen)
 Set value of a TCP socket option.
int NutTcpGetSockOpt (TCPSOCKET *sock, int optname, void *optval, int optlen)
 Get a TCP socket option value.
int NutTcpConnect (TCPSOCKET *sock, u_long addr, u_short port)
 Connect to a remote socket.
int NutTcpAccept (TCPSOCKET *sock, u_short port)
 Wait for incoming connect from a remote socket.
void NutTcpInput (NETBUF *nb)
 Process incoming TCP segments from IP layer.
int NutTcpSend (TCPSOCKET *sock, CONST void *data, u_short len)
 Send data on a connected TCP socket.
int NutTcpSend_P (TCPSOCKET *sock, PGM_P data, u_short len)
int NutTcpCloseSocket (TCPSOCKET *sock)
 Close TCP socket.
void NutTcpDestroySocket (TCPSOCKET *sock)
 Destroy a previously allocated socket.
int NutTcpReceive (TCPSOCKET *sock, void *data, u_short size)
 Receive data on a connected TCP socket.
TCPSOCKETNutTcpFindSocket (u_short lport, u_short rport, u_long raddr)
 Find a matching socket.
int NutTcpError (TCPSOCKET *sock)
 Return specific code of the last error.
int NutTcpAbortSocket (TCPSOCKET *sock, u_short last_error)
 Closes socket with error.
void NutTcpDiscardBuffers (TCPSOCKET *sock)
int NutTcpDeviceRead (TCPSOCKET *sock, void *buffer, int size)
 Read from virtual socket device.
int NutTcpDeviceWrite (TCPSOCKET *sock, CONST void *buffer, int size)
 Write to a socket.
int NutTcpDeviceWrite_P (TCPSOCKET *sock, PGM_P buffer, int size)
 Write to device.
int NutTcpDeviceIOCtl (TCPSOCKET *sock, int cmd, void *param)
 Driver control function.
int NutTcpDeviceClose (TCPSOCKET *sock)
UDPSOCKETNutUdpCreateSocket (u_short port)
 Create a UDP socket.
int NutUdpSendTo (UDPSOCKET *sock, u_long addr, u_short port, void *data, u_short len)
 Send a UDP datagram.
int NutUdpReceiveFrom (UDPSOCKET *sock, u_long *addr, u_short *port, void *data, u_short size, u_long timeout)
 Receive a UDP datagram.
int NutUdpDestroySocket (UDPSOCKET *sock)
 Close UDP socket.
UDPSOCKETNutUdpFindSocket (u_short port)
 Find a matching socket.
int NutUdpSetSockOpt (UDPSOCKET *sock, int optname, CONST void *optval, int optlen)
 Set value of a UDP socket option.
int NutUdpGetSockOpt (UDPSOCKET *sock, int optname, void *optval, int optlen)
 Get a UDP socket option value.

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